Contribute Today

We ask each family of a Washburn boys soccer player to contribute to the Washburn Soccer Boosters. The suggested annual fee is $150, and it is tax-deductible. These fees are the single biggest source of revenue for the Washburn boys soccer program. Additional donations are greatly appreciated. Participation in soccer does not depend on contributing to the boosters. No student athlete will be denied the opportunity to play if the suggested booster fee is not paid.

About the Washburn Soccer Boosters

The Washburn Boys Soccer Boosters is a volunteer non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with the mission of supporting the tradition of a high quality soccer program at Washburn High School. The boosters raise funds to support the activities of all Washburn boys soccer teams. We collect booster fees, conduct community fundraisers, and solicit private donations to support program activities. In addition, boosters support the coaches and student-athletes, on and off the field. Boosters also maintain this website, document games in pictures, and organize team social events.

The Minneapolis Public Schools funds only the varsity and junior varsity teams, but at a minimal level. There are no district funds to pay for other coaches. To develop and maintain a strong soccer tradition at Washburn, money is needed to hire coaches and referees and to augment the varsity and junior varsity coaching staff. Booster funds are also used to sponsor team-building and community events like team meals, Super Soccer Saturday, and the kick-off picnic. .

We allocate the largest share of booster funds to help pay for coaching. The school district pays for two coaches: varsity and junior varsity only. Boosters raise funds to help pay for five additional coaches: two varsity assistant coaches as well as coaches for three of the five Washburn soccer teams.  A larger share of funds also goes toward team-building and support, such as team meals, activities, and sports gear, as well as for the important end-of-year awards and recognition banquet

Other expenses include Awards/Gifts (4%); Website/Programs/Printing and Promotion (3%); Bank/Credit Card Fees and Costs (2%); and general miscellaneous expenses (3%) such as pre-season scrimmage costs, tryouts, and other fees. In past years the boosters received nearly all of its public support from three main sources: 1) annual booster donations (from parents, supporters, and the Fuller Soccer Club);  2) our annual summer youth soccer camp and 3) 2) business sponsorships.

The remaining roughly six percent of booster fundraising income came from the sale of banquet tickets (3%); merchandise sales (2%) and a small amount from merchandise/concessions, mostly from Super Soccer Saturday (less than 1%).


Send us an email at [email protected] if you have any questions about how we raise and use booster funds. Better yet, come to one of our booster meetings to hear our regular financial report and review any income statements and balance sheets (which we can also send you upon request). Just let us know. Thanks!