Registering for WHS Soccer is a 3-step process. You must complete BOTH Step 1 and Step 2 in order to be registered. Step 3 is optional, but suggested. Forms and payments must be submitted by August 7, 2025 in order to tryout on August 11, 2025..

STEP 1: Required

Submit required forms online to Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Athletics using the button below.

Note that you will need to submit an up-to-date athletic physical form from within the past three years. Athletic physicals can be scheduled with the student’s primary care physician or with an MPS School Based Clinic. Contact Washburn High School’s School Based Clinic to schedule a free appointment. Other MPS School Based Clinics also offer athletic physicals.

STEP 2: Required

Make a payment to Minneapolis Public Schools Athletics. Please write a check for $75 payable to MPS Athletics with the name of your player in the memo. Bring the check to the Washburn Athletic Office during business hours. It’s easiest to enter through door 5 (aka the dumpster door). The office is located in the basement near the lunchroom.

If you cannot pay the registration fee, you can request assistance from MPS at the athletic office.

STEP 3: Optional

Please make a payment to the WHS Soccer Boosters using the link below. This payment is an optional $150 tax-deductible contribution which is also matched by some employers. This payment is used to supplement the cost of team events, coaching, transportation, and other team costs. You do not need to contribute to the Boosters in order to participate in WHS soccer.


See our FAQs or contact Head Coach Aaron Percy with questions. Coach Percy can be reached at [email protected] or by text at 612-619-4698.