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Washburn Soccer


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Team assignments have been communicated to players. Congratulations to the 2024 WHS soccer teams. Everyone had a great effort should be proud of their efforts. For those who did not make a team, we would love to help you find a space to continue in WHS athletics. We have spaces on our Cross Country running team and our Football team!


Practice times Monday 8/19
Academy A and B- 9AM at Pearl Park
JV- 10-12 at WHS
Varsity- 8-10AM at WHS

Captains’ practices, tryouts, and more in August!

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July 31 is the last day of summer training. Here is what’s happenning with WHS boys soccer in August:

August 5-9: Captains’ practices at WHS stadium 8am-10am.

August 12-16: Evaluation week, also known as tryouts. See this page for the full schedule for Pools A and B during tryouts week.

August 17th: Teams will be announced.

August 17th: Varisty pool scrimmage in Blaine at 8:00am.

August 21: Program-wide kick-off event at WHS at 6:30pm

August 22: First games v. Lakeville North for all teams. See team page or TeamSnap for time and location.

Summer Training: June 17-July 31

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Summer Training

Trainings will be Monday and Wednesdays 6:30-8AM starting June 17 and Tuesdays 11-12:30- starting June 26 . Please make sure you have the following: cleats, ball, shin guards, water, white shirt, and dark shirt. The last day of summer training will be July 31.

No registration necessary.

If you have questions, please send Coach Percy an email or a text.  [email protected]

Download the summer calendar here.

Washburn Athletic Leadership Academy (WALA)

Washburn Athletic Leadership Academy (WALA) is a free program designed to cultivate
leadership in all the student athletes at Washburn. Mindfulness training, leadership
training, sports training and nutrition training are the core pillars of the program.

Register for WALA using the QR code on this flyer.

Both the summer training and WALA are optional but encouraged.